
New Business Establishment vs buying a Running Business

New Business Establishment vs buying a Running Business

Starting a new business is a time taking process because owner of the business needs to complete the entire business setup, hire the right team, do the marketing and promotion of business, building distribution channel, and securing your first contracts or sales takes time. But when you buy a business that is already operating you do not focus on the initial challenges of starting a business, instead you can concentrate on growing and improving the existing business. This allows you to strategize and implement changes to enhance efficiency, expand market reach, and increase profitability. You have cash flow from the very first day of ownership. This will save your time, efforts and working capital that you would have spent getting things going from a dead start in an all-new business. Buying an existing business can be as challenging and rewarding as starting your own. The decision to start a new business or buy an existing one depends on various factors, and both options have their advantages and challenges. Here are some considerations for each:

Starting a New Business:

Creativity and Innovation:

Starting a new business allows you to bring your own ideas to life. You have the freedom to create a brand and business model from scratch.


You have complete control over the business from the beginning. You can shape the company culture, set policies, and make all decisions.

No Existing Issues:

A new business doesn’t come with any existing problems or liabilities. You won’t inherit issues from a previous owner.

Building from the Ground Up:

If you enjoy the challenge of building something from the ground up and have a specific vision, starting a new business might be the right choice.

Financial Challenges:

Starting a business from scratch often requires more time and effort to establish a customer base and become profitable. It can also involve higher initial financial risks.

Buying a Running Business:

Existing Customer Base: When you buy a running business, you typically inherit an existing customer base. This can provide immediate revenue and reduce the time it takes to become profitable.

Proven Business Model:

An established business likely has a proven business model, which can reduce the risk associated with starting from scratch. You have historical financial data to analyze.

Immediate Cash Flow:

Unlike a new business that may take time to generate revenue, buying an existing business can provide immediate cash flow.

Brand Recognition:

The business you buy may already have brand recognition in the market, saving you the time and effort it takes to build a brand from scratch.

Potential Challenges:

Buying a business comes with its own set of challenges. You may inherit existing problems, and the transition period can be complex. It’s crucial to thoroughly assess the business’s financial health and potential risks.

Ultimately, the decision between starting a new business and buying an existing one depends on your goals, preferences, risk tolerance, and the specific opportunities available in the market. It’s essential to conduct thorough due diligence and seek professional advice before making a decision.

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