Business Valuation
A business valuation is the process of assessing the economic and fair market value of a business, giving owners an objective estimate of the value of their company. Typically, a business valuation happens when an owner is looking to sell all or a part of their business, or merge with another company.
Special Considerations
Methods of Valuation
- Asset approach
- Market approach
- Income approach
- Discounted cash flow method.
- Multiple of discretionary earnings method.
- Capitalization of earnings method.
Factors to consider during Business Valuation
There are factors determine the level of risk and return on investment to a buyer. Naturally a business that
has more risk will be valued at a lower level than a business that has less risk.
- Net Profit
- Growth Trends
- Website Traffic
- Age of the business
- Link Profile
- Business Model
- Niche
- Competitors
Business Valuation for Sellers
We help businesses analyze their strength and weaknesses by determining their current value through business valuation, we aim to help companies, understand their current market value in case, if they were to raise funds, get an investor on board or plan for an exit at this point in time and thus take strategic decision related to the future of their business.
Business Valuation for Buyers
Business valuation helps you know the value of the firm or enterprise in which you are planning to invest or acquire. can help you get in touch with the right people or team which can competently evaluate the intrinsic worth of a business and give you a heads-up before you approach a business to negotiate and buy.
Business Search Program
The business broker market in Pakistan is fragmented, immature, and untapped and that is the reason it’s not very convenient to find a business of your choice. will assist you in finding businesses that fit your investment criteria by
sourcing off-market deals and gathering initial data for you to review. After
understanding the scope of the search, we will trigger our network and generate a list of businesses in your target market. From there, we will assign a dedicated Business Acquisition Representative (BAR) to run through the whole acquisition process